Send Money from Khalti Wallet
to any Bank in Nepal Online

Use Khalti for inter-bank transfers. Simply sign up to Khalti & send money online to
various partner banks and financial institutions (BFIs) in Nepal.

Send Money to Bank

Khalti for Bank Transfer

Charge Slab for Withdraw

Rs 100 - Rs 50000 Rs. 10

Transaction Limit

Maximum Transactions per day

Max Amount Per Transaction
(Rs 50,000)

Max Amount per Day
(Rs 200,000)

Max Amount per Month
(Rs 1,000,000)

Transactions made effortless.
Download app for free.

playstore appstore


Go to the ‘Bank Transfer’ option on the top menu bar of the app. Select Bank, Branch details, the Account Holder’s Name, Account Number and desired amount to transfer to bank. Tap on Withdraw. Your funds will be transferred within seconds to the bank.

Your cash is safe with us. The amount will eventually be transferred safely. Just wait for sometime. If there is no change, mail us with your transaction details at

Yes the money will be transferred instantly.

While paying through Khalti customers have the given options to pay using Khalti Payment Gateway:1) Directly using Khalti Wallet Account 2) Internet Banking (From Banks linked with Khalti) 3) Mobile Banking 4) SCT Cards

Use Khalti for Inter-Bank Transfers Send Money to Bank