Khalti Cashbacks and Coupons

How to use Khalti Topup Coupons?

  1. Download Khalti app (
  2. SignUp using your mobile number
    [Note: If you already have Khalti account, you can skip step 1 and 2.]
  3. Submit online KYC ( or in-app
    [Note:Once the KYC is verified, you will be notified via SMS.]
  4. Goto Khalti App > Goto Menu > Select ‘ Coupon’ > Enter promo code and tap on Redeem.
    You will get bonus balance in Khalti
  5. To Load more funds, click Load Funds on top left of your Khalti app
  6. Watch video tutorial here on how to redeem coupon.

How to use Service Discount Promo Codes?

  1. Select Service you want to pay for & fill in the details
  2. Tap on Apply Promocode
  3. Enter your discount promocode & tap on Apply
  4. The promo code discount will be showed on the screen
  5. Proceed to pay