How to buy tickets for Yeti Airlines online using Khalti

Tap on "Flight" Icon on the home screen

Select date, destination and other details to search

Filter flights according to time, price and airlines.

Choose the feasible flight. Confirm the flight details and add passenger information like name, number and email id for tickets

Make payments and get cashback upto Rs 600

Transactions made effortless.
Download app for free.

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Flight Services available on Khalti Digital Wallet

  • buddha-air-ticket-booking
  • yeti-airlines-ticket-booking
  • shree-air-ticket-booking
  • simrik-air-ticket-booking
  • saurya-air-ticket-booking


Yes, you can purchase yeti air tickets from Khalti.

Yes, Khalti allows you to compare ticket prices.

If you have purchased a ticket from Khalti, you can make changes in ticket name, flight date and time.

For the first time purchase, you can use code FLYWITH KHALTI and get Rs.500 cashback.